Finding A YOU Shaped Space
We hear a lot about being authentic but sometimes it can be hard to know where to start and how to try and find our way back to ourselves.
A few years ago, there was a TV show called Hole in the Wall. In it celebrities had to find the right stance, moving their bodies into the right shape to throw themselves through a hole in a wall. If they found the wrong shape they bounced of the wall and into a pool. They had to contort and change to fit in.
I think its such a great metaphor with society telling us this is the stance, the shape, the position you need to take the way you need to be to get through life.
Over the years I have seen so many people trying to contort themselves into a way of being that just isn’t them to fit in. A large part of my own journey has been about finding peace with my difference, my not fitting in and letting go of the story I was first told and then told myself I needed to fit in.
To fit into the rules of society, education, the family, the over culture, the work place, essentially every aspect of life. What limits did or is life putting on you?
It can take a lot of work to fit in and fitting in is very different from finding your place, your own unique shape. Fitting in is very different to living and speaking your truth. Living as your authentic, unabridged self. Below are just a few suggestions for you to explore and which I hope will encourage you to follow what resonates and makes your heart sing.
Ways to Explore Finding More Authenticity in Your Life
Role Models – These maybe people you know, people who’s work you admire, those you find inspiring. Find your tribe be it in person or online. Listened to their stories ask them question. Open up to the knowledge that we are all ordinary yet we can lead extortionary lives.
Life Map – get creative and depict your life. This can really help give you an overview and help you see where you have censored yourself, cut off your creativity and your self-expression. You can read about how to create a life map here - Create a life map
Journal – Journaling in general is a great tool and I am a big fan. When particularly focusing on the authentic self and expression try journaling around the following questions. What did you love growing up? Think about the books and films you loved. The games you liked to play. What were the things you were drawn to growing up that were frowned upon by others? Think about the messages you received about what was and wasn’t acceptable?
Daydream – Allow your imagination to take you to places, explore your daydreams. What do you dream off? What are you biggest boldest visions for yourself?
Dreamwork – Explore your nocturnal world. You can read more about how to explore your dreams as a way of personal development here Dreamwork
Cultural Exploration – Follow your interests, this may sound obvious but often we tell ourselves that something is not for people like us. Really open up to exploring different books, films, TV show, music, radio, hobbies and art. Give yourself permission to experiment, remember this is not about getting it right. Its not about finding the right thing it’s about playing.
So like the show Hole in the Wall or the child’s game where you have to get the right shape in the right hole try not to force yourself into something that just isn’t meant for you.