The Therapeutic Process
The therapeutic process is nonlinear and is personal to you, There is no set format. I often describe there being a hand written map and that the map is not the territory. Below is a brief summary of the journey this hand written map may take you on.
Process - You cannot change the past but you can change how it affects you in the present. Therapy is a safe container for you to explore and process. A space where you can meet yourself with compassion. To safely explore what you are finding challenging. Together we create an alliance and trust and start to initiate your journey.
Unfurling The therapeutic space is one where you can begin to unpack. An unfurling into your own space at your own pace. Embracing and acknowledging the unacknowledged parts of yourself.
Stepping back As you get in touch with your internal world you are able to step back and observe your thoughts as the witness. We will cultivate observation and being present to yourself without judgement. Listening and learning from yourself. Exploring what is serving you and what is not.
Compassion and Acceptance Through this process you will start to develop self-acceptance and self-compassion. Allowing integration and forgiveness. Often this will involve learning to be kind to yourself and changing your inner dialogue from critical to mentoring. Moving through the shame and fear.
Space The more self understanding the more internal space, the more expansion and capacity. Often discovering creativity and embracing new opportunities that arise. Through counselling you can create this space for yourself.