You Don’t Need To Be In Crisis To Come To Therapy
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”
Anais Nin
You can enter into therapy whenever you want.
You don't have to be in crisis or even have a particular issue. It is a safe non judgemental space for you to explore you.
Therapy can be a place for you to
💫 Build a healthy inner relationship with yourself.
💫 A space for you to build Self understanding and Self knowledge.
💫 A space for Self compassion and Self awareness.
💫A space for you to develop resilience and a healthy relationship with your mental health.
And a whole lot more.
You can not control the ups and downs of life you can not prevent yourself from feeling grief, sadness or despair but you can increase your capacity to meet this within yourself. To hold and look after yourself when these things arise.
Looking after your mental health is an ongoing process and one that isn't often taught or practiced in schools or families.
Entering into therapy to explore your internal world is something you can do at any time.